Announcement Yaesu FT-818 HF/VHF/UHF

Announcement of Yaesu FT-818 HF/VHF/UHF
YAESU FT-818 (HF/VHF/UHF/TRANSCEIVER) Replacement model of FT-817

Rumors about the Yaesu FT-818 have been circulating for about 6 years and now we get to see the first details on the new portable QRP all-band.

All data points to an extremely outdated concept (superheterodyne you need to learn about SDR at some point Yaesu, people have been using it for 20 years) that still lacks the 70MHz band because of the obvious reason (same with FT-891 and FT-991): IF around 69MHz.

Full USB interface (CAT + audio), (much) larger screen, LiPo internal battery, 10W output, IF-DSP are some of the features that just have to be there in a 2018 radio.

Details can be found on the FCC website.

FT-817 3D printing Anderson PowerPole Add-On

FT-817 3D printing Anderson PowerPole Add-On
FT-817 Anderson PowerPole Add-On

Although I had some mechanical drawing training in my teenage years and had some AutoCad experiance in my twenties and like to draw 3D on good old fashion paper with a pencil, the modern  3D cad design world is a hole new ballgame to me.

To gain some experiance with that, I'm experimenting with online 3D like ThinkerCad and 3D printing, to make parts for a new 0 scale modelrailroad project. For inspirations and idea's I often take a look what other creators have designed on .

FT-817 speaker replacement

FT-817 speaker replacement

After I found a video on YouTube about replacing the original speaker from the FT817 by a MASSOTH 8241020 speaker I was surprised about the difference. So I have ordered the massoth speaker at my local modelrailroad supply shop and made the mod my self. And I have to emit it was worth it. To bad the video didn't really catch the increase in dynamic and detail. For example turning the volume way up didn't give any distortion though the camera couldn't handle it..

Some photo's . . . .

FT-817 military

FT-817 military
I made a case of YAESU FT-817

I have been playing YAESE's FT-817 transceiver in a military radio case case than before. I wanted to see it, so I want you to release it, I have released a voice that there is.
Since all uses acrylic of 1 mm to 5 mm thick, strength is reasonable, it is simply a self-satisfying item.
FT - 817 is an all - mode transceiver of HF / VHF / UHF, but it is very compact. Although it is good for use in horizontal placement, it is extremely poor stability when used upright. The way I thought about doing something, it became like this form.

FT-817 CW Filter Installation

I received my long awaited YF-122C 455KHz Collins Mechanical CW filter today. It was a snap to install, but there are a couple of things to look out for. Here's the photos and story. Click on any of the photos to see the full size version.

1. Removing the top cover is simple - first take off the shoulder strap brackets (4 screws) and then remove the 5 screws in the top cover and it pops right off - don't undo the two screws nearest the speaker grille, those hold the speaker in place on the underside of the top cover. Be sure not to damage the speaker wires or connector. The wire from the speaker is pretty short but there's just enough room to get to the connector to undo it if you tilt the top cover up at the rear.

2. The filter goes in the space at the front of the board.